The Navy Reservist magazine is an accurate, timely, and trend-setting publication that generates compelling articles and informs an internal audience of more than 70,000 Sailors, civilians, national and international media, and members of Congress on the contributions and values of the Reserve Sailor to the U.S. Navy, DoD and the American taxpayer.
The Navy Reserve provides essential naval warfighting capabilities and expertise, strategically aligned with mission requirements - valued for our readiness, innovation, and agility.
During my time at Commander, Navy Reserve Forces Command, my primary responsibilities was as art director, for the TNR magazine—working alongside the public affairs officer, Commander Kelly Brubeck (later, Commander Doug Gabos) and Senior Chief, Joshua Treadwell. As art director, I performed layout and design for 28 issues of TNR magazine. In addition to the TNR role, I also worked on the Navy Reserve social media pages, photography and videography for a multitude of retirement ceremonies, change of command ceremonies, promotion ceremonies, and various other command functions. I was also in charge of the command photo lab for official portraits and passport photos.